see through me

Thursday, November 30, 2006

bad day!!

ok i know that writing the 2nd post for my blog it suppose to be good and fun... but nope.. To tell you the truth i have a very,very bad day.. Starts off my day with kind of like arguin with my mum than my sister.. Well just say that these 2 people are never satisfied with me.. no mattar how.. But nvm about that..

2nyte there's gona b a so called kenduri at my house so imagine how busy it is at my house.. I am so tired and cant describe how angry, stress, and hungry i am.. But think positive in the end all of it's going to pay's off. huh?.. I always remind myself to always stay positive and stay calm no mattar how big problems and challengers that just come to me..

I'm just hoping 2nyte will be a great event or kenduri.. and hope that in the future I could control my anger.. not anger but feelings.. not let my feelings control me as i say it.. Well gtg.. i cant believe that i still have time to write my blog.. HAHAHA... was that suppose to be a laugh.. what the hack!.. laugh makes people happy.. and also smile.. so bye..


aBouT mE!!!

HELOOO!!!! I'm new in this world of blogging.. So i dun pretty much know what i'm doin.. I'm trying my best to make it look perfect and neet.. Well my name is FAISAL AZREEN!!!... I'm 17 years old studying at SMK BUKIT JELUTONG.. proud to be one.. I live at kayangan heights.. emm if you dunno where thats is i dont mind cause no one pretty much know where that is.. nvm about that...

My interest are first of all is listening to music.. Music makes me wonder off to an another universe where noone could imagine it.. Music makes my head go up and down and everywhere else.. Music for me is life.. NO MUSIC NO LIFE!!.. got that!.. Playing football is anothar interest of mine..Well hobby as i say.. Football has been and still b in my soul for a very long time already.. since i was 6.. i think.. There are alot more that I would like to say about myself.. but i have to keep it simple.. Oh yeah anothar thing that i like to add is knowledge.. Many people that I spoke to says that knowledge is everything.. knowledge is power.. which I trully agree.. For me i believe that knowledge is what makes a better person that is if he or she does it for good not for bad.. (see knowledge can also use for bad)...

well thats it.. i'll write more in the future... take care... bye..