see through me

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Its a thursday and damn.. I'm so bloody bored, but its windy.. Thank god that theres a big sliding door beside me.. One thing for sure it is so nice and cooling when you got the wind while writing something or doing something.. So what have you've been doing today?.. reading?, partying?, on9?, or what?.. Oh ya tonight is the nelly furtado single nights out ryte?.. hmph.. cant go.. well if I wanted so I dont have a partner to go with.. and besides tmrw my parents are off to new zealand.

One thing that capture my eye this week is the news about the flood thats happening in the south and north of Malaysia.. Well its nothing suprising if its happening at the north of Malaysia but at the south.. Hmph I'm kind of suprise.. Not usually that floods happened in the south of peninsular of Malaysia.. and thats weird.. Well what ever it is we should feel sorry for them for what they have to go through. We should appreciate what we have at the moment as we speek. Lots of things and tragedies are happening around us and we as human being should help and show our concern towards them.. On the lest is a photo that I got from bbc news showing an old lady carrying some valuable stuff as bbc told.. Belongings and valuable items are missing and its hard enough for them to feel and to live this way. With water rising to their houses, electricity been cut off, water supplys are being poluted and pluss they have to live in a emergency placement or well its hard for me to say this but a refugees camp.. If I was a millionaire I will do everything that is possible to help them, but unfortunatly I cant I dont have lots and lots of money like Bill Gates or Donald Trump..

This photo of my left is a photo by the Star Newspaper showing a place which is called Segamat in Johor are having the most crucial and heavy flood disaster. Search and resque team, police, medical saff, and the army are doing their best to help those who are trapped in this conditions. Whats happening to Malaysia?. Is mother nature angry at us?. We shouldn't be suprise base on the fact when it comes to this part of the year usually in November and Disember Malaysia are having a down fall on heavy rain and bad weather conditions. From my point of view the goverment and NGO party should take part in handling and solving this problem. This has been going for so long. Yes! I know that we cant fight mother nature and gods plan, but we could try our best to solve this problem. When theres a will theres a way.

People that is responsible should take actions fast. We dont want to end up being like what happen in America during harricane katrina do we. Everyone needs to be prepared and shoulder to shoulder to solve this disaster thats happening in Malaysia. Christmas is around the corner and from what I heard that when I was in England christmas is about helping, giving happiness and forgiveness.. Well why dont we people help each other and try to prevent anything bad from happening.. Care about the people who will celebrate christmas this 25th... It would be sad to see those who are celebrating christmas in a School hall or in a refugee camp.. Think about it.. If you want to do something nice, now is the time.. Well.. thats about it.. Hope that this article will open up your mind about whats happening in Malaysia during this time..



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